Overcoming Infertility – Dr. Richard V. Grazi

Overcoming Infertility – Dr. Richard V. Grazi


Brand: Koren Publishers

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Overcoming Infertility – Dr. Richard V. Grazi
Overcoming Infertility – Dr. Richard V. Grazi


Learn about the complex issues related to fertility therapy in relation to Halakha as well as the psychological issues that can accompany fertility issues in the Jewish community.

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Size 5.75" x 8.75"

This informative work by Dr. Richard V. Grazi, a renowned infertility expert, presents the Halakhic attitude to modern fertility treatments as well as the social and psychological effects infertility has on Jewish parents. The book contains the viewpoints of many Rabbinic expert as well as doctors and therapists who deal with infertility issues on a daily basis. This thorough work also describes the therapies that can enable the Jewish couple to have children of their own.
This item makes for an excellent gift for those interested in this area of Jewish Law and ethics.