Magnet of Eilat Fish

Magnet of Eilat Fish


Brand: Judaica

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Magnet of Eilat Fish
Magnet of Eilat Fish


This 6 centimeter magnet is in the shape of a fish to represent the fish filled waters that border the city of Eilat. Inside the fish is a colorful painting of a beach scene and the word "Eilat" is written underneath.

This magnet features a colorful fish for its border. Inside the fish is a beautifully painted drawing of the land and the water's end at the beach in Eilat. Eilat is known as an infamous beach town with resorts galore. The waters in Eilat have plentiful sea life, which is great for both snorkeling and scuba diving activities. This magnet shows the peaceful tranquility as well as the marine biology that can be found in the city of Eilat. The word "Eilat" is written in the water at the foreground of the magnet. This brightly colored magnet is a great present.